There was a lovely reception Friday night and we met many of the members of the congregation. Our hosts at the lodge, Meryl and Alan, have lived in the area about 30 years and are such a wealth of history, culture ad information. Had a great visit with them last night. Woke up early to make breakfast and found an ant explosion in the kitchen... thousands, maybe millions of tiny red ants. One of the girls came and rescued us and cleaned it up. We were jumping over two inch wide lines of ants to try to get to the food cupboard and frig. Reminds me of Hawaii. We are slowing gaining a sense of direction -at least Newt is, as you all know that I am directionally challenged! Haven't been able to get our IED to stay still long enough to snap a pic. He is a gecko about two hands long. Where was he hiding when all of the ants came out? Just saw a squirrel- seems surprising to me that there are squirrels in Bali, but there are actually about 16 varieties. They are all busy making nests right now.
We are off to worship and will write about that later.
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