Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bird's Nest Soup

Have you ever eaten authentic bird's nest soup at a Chinese restaurant? Edible bird's nests have been used in Chinese cooking for over 400 years.
Have you wondered where the bird nests come from and how they are obtained? In the port city of Kumai, Borneo, in Indonesian, the Chinese have established a thriving business in bird's nests. The nests sell for an average of $2500.00 per kilogram. The edible nests are produced by Edible-nest Swiftlets and Black-nest Swiftlets. In Kumai, over two dozen multiple story nesting houses have been erected of cinderblock and cement, with small holes for the birds to fly in and out of. The buildings are made to resemble caves inside, the preferred nesting environment. The birds flock to these, attracted by pre-recorded swiftly sounds piped over loud speakers twenty-four hours a day. The sound can be heard all over the village and the harbor. The villages were compensated for this noise disturbance. This is a big industry in many are of Indonesia. The nests are harvested, boiled and shipped to China and other areas of the world.

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